All possible efforts are afoot to monitor expenses being made by candidates during Vidhan Sabha elections in Madhya Pradesh. Flying squads and statistics (SSTs) surveillance teams numbering 870 each have been deployed in all 230 Vidhan Sabha constituencies in the state.
Apart from other places, flying squads and SSTs will also undertake intensive monitoring at airports, railway stations and bus stands also. Office of the Chief Electoral Officer has directed collectors to ensure that common people do no face any problem at these places. Directives have also been given to make public announcements at these places from time to time.
Mentioning Vidhan Sabha elections, it will be informed through public announcement systems that strict action is being taken at all railway stations and bus stands on recovery of illegal cash and arms. Passengers will be urged to carry necessary documents if they are carrying cash, gold and silver worth over Rs. 50 thousand. Documents to be carried include ATM slip, passbook, bills, other legal documents etc. so that checking can be completed at the earliest and passengers do not face inconvenience. People have been urged to inform on toll-free number 1950 if they have information that any of their fellow passengers is carrying illegal cash, gold, silver or weapon.
Announcement to be made at airports, railway stations and bus stands for monitoring of election expenses
नवंबर 15, 2013