Political parties and candidates during Vidhan Sabha elections in Madhya Pradesh will not have to face difficulties in obtaining permissions regarding election-related works. Office of the Chief Electoral Officer has directed all collectors/district election officers to ensure single-window system for this.
Political parties had informed that they have to obtain permissions regarding election works from collector/district magistrate, returning officer, transport office, police officers etc. All these officers are at different destinations due to which it takes much time in obtaining legal permissions. In view of difficulties faced by political parties and candidates, office of the Chief Electoral Officer has directed all collectors, district magistrates and returning officers to arrange single-window system in their district/office and returning officer’s office for this. A large signboard should also be erected outside the single-window cell displaying the types of permissions political parties/candidates will have to obtain and which permission will be given by whom. Its forms/procedure should also be displayed on the board.
Directives have been given to appoint only trained and competent persons to receive applications at single-window cell. Besides, directives have also been given to arrange class IV employee/typist, photo copy, fax and e-mail facilities. One employee representing each officer granting permission should be deployed at single-window cell. Directives have been given to display names of persons designated to receive applications. On receipt, application should be disposed of within a day and intimate concerning candidate about approval or rejection of the same. While receiving application, applicant’s mobile number/e-mail ID should also be sought to facilitate in giving information. Returning officers will have to send daily reports regarding this to district election officer. The report must have information as to who permission has been granted and whom rejected.
District election officers have been directed to publicise proceedings of single-window cell daily. It has also been directed to apprise all concerned about the telephone numbers of the cell and its in-charge and which permission is to be given by which department/officer.
Single-window system to give permissions to political parties and candidates
अक्टूबर 29, 2013