Apart from monitoring of election expenses, monetary transactions are also being monitored to ensure free and fair elections in Madhya Pradesh on the directives of Election Commission of India. Flying squads and other teams deployed in districts have seized about Rs. 2 crore 50 lakh cash so far. Today, the police recovered Rs. 32 lakh during frisking of car number HR-41 F 1221 from Haryana during checking in front of Gauri Ghat police station in Datia district. All 5 car passengers hail from Haryana’s Kurukshetra area. They informed that this money was being carried to purchase land at village Mainthana under Indergarh police station. The police has given information of the incident to district election officer. Legal action is being ensured in the matter.
Rs. 2.50 crore cash seized so far
अक्टूबर 25, 2013
Rs. 32 lakh seized in Datia district
Apart from monitoring of election expenses, monetary transactions are also being monitored to ensure free and fair elections in Madhya Pradesh on the directives of Election Commission of India. Flying squads and other teams deployed in districts have seized about Rs. 2 crore 50 lakh cash so far. Today, the police recovered Rs. 32 lakh during frisking of car number HR-41 F 1221 from Haryana during checking in front of Gauri Ghat police station in Datia district. All 5 car passengers hail from Haryana’s Kurukshetra area. They informed that this money was being carried to purchase land at village Mainthana under Indergarh police station. The police has given information of the incident to district election officer. Legal action is being ensured in the matter.
Apart from monitoring of election expenses, monetary transactions are also being monitored to ensure free and fair elections in Madhya Pradesh on the directives of Election Commission of India. Flying squads and other teams deployed in districts have seized about Rs. 2 crore 50 lakh cash so far. Today, the police recovered Rs. 32 lakh during frisking of car number HR-41 F 1221 from Haryana during checking in front of Gauri Ghat police station in Datia district. All 5 car passengers hail from Haryana’s Kurukshetra area. They informed that this money was being carried to purchase land at village Mainthana under Indergarh police station. The police has given information of the incident to district election officer. Legal action is being ensured in the matter.