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Police force will take action of seizing record


Police force will take action of seizing record
Employees cooperative housing society Limited has been constructing houses for medium income grade employees near Mission hospital since 70s.

Allegations of corruption were being made against the housing society. Several employees members complained continuously but they were not given possession so far.

The members alleged that their plots are being sold to others while they had deposited membership charges but even today they are walking from pillar to post to get plots.

The deputy registrar of did not take any concrete action against the society executives even after several complaints. The members sought information under RTI but the victims are not being given information from district office.

The society was constituted on September 2, 1973 to provide residential plots to medium income grade employees. These employees were to be allotted plots receiving membership charge but after allotting few plots the irregularities are being made in the society. The society was disbanded on October 15, 2008 and cooperative development officer was made in charge of it.

Complainant Sanjay Dubey, resident of Gopalganj, Sagar said that his mother is a retired teacher who had deposited membership charge Rs500 and later deposited Rs10000 in two instalments in the year 1976 but she was not told position of plot.

Rajesh Dubey and Sanjay Paliwal, residents of Khurai became sick of seeking information from earlier society presidents and district office about plots of their relatives or family members but to no avail.

Several share holders have died but they were not given information about their plots by the president.

Bhagwati Bai widow of late Motilal Nema said that she had only hope of this plot after the death of her husband but she was not allotted plot. She has been living in rented room.

Though, Khurai SDM taking the matter seriously on the complaints of Rajesh Dubey and Sanjay Paliwal and had issued order to tehsildar of Khurai through a letter number 121441 dated May 5, 2012. He had ordered to present investigation report within 3 dys but the victims have been attending hearings at tehsil office so far.

Cooperative societies’ deputy registrar SD Pandey said, “The former present of the society has been misusing seal for last 4 years. Three CEOs tried to take charge and documents but now the secretariat has given power to me to seize documents forcefully. He said that the officials concerned have been sent letters about the matter.

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